Everyone loves going faster on their electric scooter and unfortunately, the Pure Advance is rated to hit a maximum speed of just 25 km/h.
As an owner, you might be interested in making your Advance run faster than just that.
To save you time, ignore all the pieces of advice that you can remove the speed limiter in your Pure Advance electric scooter by cutting any cables.
That scooter has no speed-limiting wire. Instead, Pure uses a built-in speed limiter in the scooter’s software. With that one, you can’t flash any firmware to make it faster.

The Only Pure Advance Speed Hack
Upgrade The Electronic Components
To make the Advance faster, you will have to rebuild it and do away with the motor and controller since they are already speed-limited by an in-house limiter software.
That tells you that your option is to buy a bigger motor, controller, and battery.
Unfortunately, all these components are expensive and the conversion costs will most likely not be worth it.
Again, getting bigger components means that they will most likely not fit under the deck.
Your Options As The Owner?
Sell Your Pure Advance And Buy A Faster E-Scooter
Since you will incur multiple costs to buy and swap out the components of your Advance, how about selling it and upgrading to a faster electric scooter?
See, there are a few riders who don’t care too much about riding too fast and would rather stay within the parameters of the 25km/h speed regulations.
If you post your scooter on online marketplaces, you will absolutely find interested buyers.
If you will be using your e-scooter on your private land, you can buy a real hyper scooter at a couple of Pounds above Pure Advance’s price. The good thing is that most retailers sending electric scooters to the UK ship them when they are speed-limited using a provided remote control. You can restrict or derestrict the top speed with a touch of buttons.
Keep It That Way
These are the reasons why we don’t recommend you open the deck and mod your Pure Advance electric scooter:
- Local laws in the UK and most other parts of the EU have a maximum speed limit of 15.5 MPH (25km/h). If you make your electric scooter faster than that, the UK laws say that you would be using it illegally and you might be fined, penalized on your license, or the scooter could get impounded
- Any attempts to mod your e-scooter will have you voiding the warranty. Should anything go wrong, it would suck when the company fails to help you
- There is a risk of frying the internal components or in the worst-case scenario, starting a fire. Watch this video on e-scooter Inferno and see how it’s easy to lose everything should anything go wrong with modded battery attachments.